Sunday, October 26, 2014

Turn Down for What? Why I Chose Not To Club Anymore

NOW this post is not intended to judge or bash anyone who goes to the club. This is just my personal conviction as a Christian for why I stopped going. Yesterday, I attended the Magic City Classic in Birmingham, AL. (Alabama State alum..whoop whoop!) I mean this is the annual "turn up" weekend and it's a weekend that all students and alumni look forward to every year.

      Now back when I was college student, I looked forward to going to the classic, not for the game, but for the club. I loved a good party. That is one thing I can say I enjoyed doing during college (but I did have my work done). During the week of the classic, we would hit the mall and pick out the perfect dress. Then we would make sure that the hair and nails was done. All to impress other people of course. I would pick out the one party I wanted to attend and make sure the cover charge was cool or that tickets were purchased beforehand. Boom! We were set.

       This year was different for me. I was going to the classic solely for the purpose of tailgating and watching the game. I guess you can say some good ol' family fun. But what was it that got me to this point? Let's rewind to a few months back, around April-May. I was in a club called Harlem Nights celebrating an old friend's birthday. I wore a dress classier than what I usually wear to a club. I wasn't really feeling it that night though. I knew I was growing out of the club scene but it wasn't confirmed until later that night. When I tell you everything that could have went wrong did. First, the person I was with left which meant I had to drive home by myself at 2am. Then, I make it to the parking lot where I find my car with a boot on it. I call the number to the truck and it sends me to voicemail. Feeling abandoned, I start to feel panic in my heart. After 15 minutes, the tow truck is reached and I'm given the amount to pay but where's my debit card? Are you kidding me? It was a blessing to have my other friend there to pay. Thinking that this horrible night has ended, nope, it had just begun. My car starts to overheat and breakdown on the way home. Mind you, it's almost 4am. I stopped my car on the side of the road every 10 seconds to let it rest. The situation was starting to become dangerous because here I am, a female out at 4am by herself in a dress. Anything could have happened. I prayed for God to please let me get to the exit closest to my home and He did. The most difficult thing I had to do was call my parents to pick me up because I knew they would be disappointed in me and indeed I was right.

       The next morning, I did a lot of thinking. I wondered if going out that night was EVEN WORTH IT? Absolutely not! A lot of people were saying, "Girl, you just had a bad night" or "don't think too deep into it". No, that was more than a bad night. That was my conviction. See, God was trying to pull me away from the club scene for the longest but I knew I wasn't ready to do that. I was enjoying myself. So, He had to let me hit rock bottom. God had bigger plans for my life and I had to let some things go in order to fully step into my purpose. When God is ready to take you somewhere, you have to step out of some things. I remember standing in the middle of the dance floor at Harlem Nights and for the first time, just feeling like I didn't belong there. I couldn't for the life of me understand what was the point anymore. What am I really getting out of going to the club besides guys touching on you or trying to get your number for a one-night stand, second hand weed smoke infecting my lungs and becoming the new scent of my hair, loud music that keeps my ears ringing through the night, grinding and dancing promiscuously with different guys, getting so drunk where you can't remember the night, dodging a fight or possibly a bullet, or better yet hearing the DJ ask if your private parts are clean.

        As a Christian, I just feel there are some places where you shouldn't be and a nightclub is definitely one of those places. The club wasn't bringing me closer to God. It was planting seeds in my heart that it was ok to dress promiscuously, have a couple of drinks, grind on different guys, listen to certain types of music with lyrics that wasn't glorifying God, or better yet, conform to the world standards (I was convicted on music back in July).  I got tired off being the "turn up on Saturday, then worship on Sunday" type do girl. It didn't feel right. We are suppose to be ambassadors for Christ. So with that being said, are we representing God by going to these types of places? We as Christians have to be mindful of what we do. People are looking at us ESPECIALLY the unbelievers. The world doesn't need to read the bible when they can read Christians. They are trying to figure out what's so special about this thing called "Christianity." What's the difference? If you're not showing them a difference then you're killing your testimony. They're just going to be like "oh..well...if they do the same things that we do, then what's the point of getting saved or going to church?" We have to be very careful in our walk and lifestyle because someone somewhere is looking at you. We don't want to lose a soul that could have came to Christ but, all of a sudden, decided not to because we are killing our testimony.

I John 1:6 (KJV) says, "If we say that we have fellowship with him (GOD), and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth."

When I read that, it made me understand why I didn't have a desire to go to the club anymore. I didn't want to walk in darkness. God is light and there is no darkness in him. I didn't want to be associated with the sins that go on in the clubs. I knew that going to the club wasn't growing my relationship with Christ. In order for me to gain a closer relationship and step into my purpose, I had to leave it alone.

I John 2:15 (KJV) says, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Now this is not saying that we shouldn't love ALL of God's people. We are suppose to love everyone and bring them to Christ. This is simply saying that we should not love the sins that the world has to offer.

So people now wonder, how do I "turn up"? What do Christians do to have fun? Since I've stopped going to the club, I've learned that there are so many more activities that can be done and still I can enjoy myself:
1.) Visit a museum
2.) Go see a play production
3.) Grab a Redbox and have a night in with your friends
4.) Dinner parties
5.) Church events that are usually held on Friday and Saturday nights
6.) Try a Christian club (There's one in Jonesboro, GA called C-Note if you're in the ATL area)
7.) Movies
8.) Bowling
9.) Sporting event 
10.) Poetry Slam

This is my testimony of why I gave up the club. Something I loved doing so much, but found that there's a better way. Am I saying I'm better than anyone else? Absolutely not! I've been there but when you get sick and tired of the same thing and don't see any fruit producing, you start to change your ways. One thing I knew for sure....I was NOT going to find my future husband in the club. I'm praying that my testimony helps someone.


Apr 2014

Acknowledge. Fix. Keep it Moving...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

So You Hate Your Job..


        Do you ever get up and just really dread going to work? Believe it or not, more than half of Americans wake up daily dreading to go to their jobs. They see it as a burden. But what is it that causes us to not to like going to work. Some say it is their managers and unfair treatment. Others will say it is trying to get along and work cohesively with their co-workers. Maybe it is the poor attitudes of the customers. Many say they just do not make enough to deal with the daily stress. Whatever the cause may be, it is putting a damper on the job that you PRAYED SO HARD TO GET. Yes, I said it.

       Think back to when you were unemployed and the application process you had to go through on a daily basis. Yes, that wasn't a fun time at all. You were going through a really dry season of empty pockets and no call backs. You stayed on your knees praying and crying out for God to bless you with a job. Finally, you receive a phone call about an interview. After the interview, you are hired for the position you have applied for. You immediately start thanking God and you are super excited. You start making promises that you will be so happy to go to work everyday and at any hours. I'm going to go above and beyond the tasks at hand. I'm going to give awesome customer service. I'm going to be on time. I mean everything you can think of.

        Now fast forward a couple of months. You start to hate the hours that you work. You're tired of the rude customers so you start lacking in customer service as well. You feel like you are being mistreated. You start to no longer care about your job and doing your best, so you usually don't show up on time. Better yet, you decide to call off several of times. You start writing negative Facebook statuses about how you hate your job and wish you had another one. You find yourself ALWAYS complaining about your job.

So where is that fire you had when you first got hired? You let all of the circumstances turn your attitude and way of thinking about the job that God has blessed you with. YES GOD BLESSED YOU WITH YOUR JOB. THE JOB YOU PRAYED SO HARD FOR. You cannot let the circumstances around you steal your joy. You being at the job you are at now is not a mistake. God has placed you exactly where He wants you. God has a purpose that He wants you to fulfill. So let's turn a negative unto a positive:

       It all starts with your thinking. We have to transform and renew our minds as mentioned in Ephesians 4:23. When you wake up in the morning, instead of holding on to that dreading attitude, wake up with gratitude for being able to be employed. There are so many people who are looking for a job. They are wishing they were in the position you were in. They are wishing they can have your income so they can be able to supply their everyday needs. Be grateful that you have a job. It doesn't matter what type of job you are working. You have some type of income that is coming to your pockets. Find the positive in every situation.

     We have to stop complaining! Complaining will put you in the most negative mood. You have a problem with everything...I MEAN EVERYTHING. You can't stand who you work with. You think you don't make enough money. You can't stand the work load. You can't stand the hours. I mean I could go on and on. Like I said before, put it in your mind to be grateful no matter what the circumstances are. You have to humble and die to yourselves daily (that means your feelings). God exalts those who are humble in His sight.
    Make your job your full time ministry. If you have to be at this job and you feel there is no escape (meaning you don't have a backup job), ask God what is your purpose while you are at this job. God gets the glory out of every aspect of our lives, so what makes us think He can't get the glory while we're on our jobs?
I work at a pharmacy so I like to find ways to encourage the customers and minister to them. Many of the customers come in sick and others may come in frustrated due to being in a hospital or doctor's office all day. Being at the drop-off window gives me a chance to talk to customers and encourage them with a word and let them know that everything is going to be ok or God is going to work their situation out. I even had to pray for one customer mid-way through taking her prescription. When I can make a customer's prescription cost cheaper than what it is, I praise God for it. It's times like these where I feel like my job is worth it and that God gets the glory through everything. The reason I decided to work in the heath alliance field was because I knew I would be able to help people. So I am doing the purpose that God wants me to do.

Now of course like everyone, I deal with difficult circumstances and situations that can easily pull anyone out of their character. Everyone deals with the stress of their workload, managers and co-workers, difficult customers, etc. How you choose to deal with these situations will determine your mood and attitude. I like to look at going to work from a different and bigger perspective.

Colossians 3:22-24 (KJV) says, "Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God; (23) And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily; as to the Lord, and not unto men; (24) Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Work as if you are working for God. It changes things when you think of it that way.

Here are some ways to transform your mind at work
1.) Spend time with God each morning. Pray and meditate on scriptures related to your situation.
2.) Give thanks! Let God know that you are grateful for being employed despite your circumstances. Take a minute and remember how hard it was when you were unemployed and searching.
3.) Always have a song on your heart that ministers to you in a difficult time. I always find humming as a way to remain calm in a stressful situation.
4.) Keep your mind stayed Jesus. How can you step out of character when Jesus is on your mind?
5.) Know that God takes care of His children.
6.) Pray for others. Instead of talking about someone or speaking negativity against them, speak life into them. I find praying for others more fulfilling and it takes away the negativity that seeps into my mind or heart towards them.

So, in the morning, when you feel that dreading spirit come over you, SHUT IT DOWN! You have to understand that God works according to His timing. Life is divided into different seasons.

Eccles 3:1 (KJV) says, "To every thing there is a time to every purpose under the heaven".
Eccles 3:11 (KJV) says, "He hath made every thing beautiful in his time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from beginning to end."

Greater is coming! When God decides it is time for you to move on, He will do it in His timing. Be grateful where you are now. Running won't do any good. You are going to run into the same situations everywhere you go, maybe even worse. Then you'll regret leaving your current job. He has you exactly where He wants you to be for a certain purpose. Go to your job and work your very hardest without complaining. That is what is pleasing to God. He appreciates those who are grateful. So you hate your job? Change your mindset and I'm sure it won't seem that bad as you thought before.

Acknowledge. Fix. Keep it Moving...
 Reference Scriptures
Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans for you)
I Peter 5:6-7 (Humble yourselves)
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 (My grace is sufficient for thee)
Romans 12:14 (Pray for those who persecute you)
Romans 12:18 (Working with others)
Romans 12:21 (Be not overcome with evil, but good)
Philippians 4:19 (God shall supply all of your needs)
I Thessalonians 4:11 (Mind your business)
I Thessalonians 5:18 (Give thanks)
Psalm 37 (Evildoers can't get away with it)
Ephesians 6:5-9 (Work with fear for God)