Friday, November 7, 2014

Dating and Relationships: If You Want God's Best, Stop Settling For Less

"When you're desperate for love and not God, you end up getting into a relationship that stimulates your body and destroys your spirit. When you're desperate for Jesus, you find someone who pushes you to grow spiritually and will let you know they may be nice, but only God can satisfy."
-Tovares Grey @GodlyDating101

We're now living in a generation where being in a relationship is top priority on the list of life goals. We've all seen it. You stroll down your newsfeed and see several statuses about being single and lonely, wishing they were in a relationship or wondering where Mr./Mrs. Right is. You see people idolizing famous couples with the hopes of one day being in a relationship just like theirs. You watch others change their relationship statuses on Facebook every other month. It seems like everything is revolving around relationships these days. We usually define single as not being in a relationship, but we must remember that until you have signed an approved marriage certificate, you are still classified as single, whether you are in a relationship or not.

Now myself, I have not been in a "formal" relationship since I was 19 years old (I know what you're thinking...8 years ago?!) So you know why I kind of scoff when I hear people say they are dying because they've been single for only a year. However, I have dated a few times since then but nothing serious. If there is anything that I did learn while dating was this:

You do not and I repeat DO NOT have to date everyone that shows an interest in you. This is the quickest way to disappointment, heartache, and having your time wasted. After dealing with a few heartbreaks, we're quick to say "well..there aren't any good men or women out there." But who told you that you had to try them all? You knew good and well from the start that this was not the type of person that you were going to one day marry. You're usually just dating them because you're feeling lonely inside. 

See I was that "try out" type of person where I figured everyone deserved a chance because I didn't like rejecting guys or either I was optimistic about their character. Surely I was wrong! I ended up finding out that these guys did not have my best interest at heart and they were a waste of my time. But can I completely blame them? No, because at some point, I knew their true character had been revealed to me but I still chose to stick around because I was feeling the "relationship void" in my heart.

Yes, the "relationship void". That's the emptiness you feel in your heart that has you longing for a relationship more than anything. You feel really lonely. You start complaining about being single and don't feel content about your life if you are not involved with someone. You'll accept anything just to say you have someone. You start compromising your beliefs and standards just so they will stick around or they will notice you. When you have this void in your heart, you start settling for less than what you deserve. You're making the road for the one God has for you to meet even longer because you decided to take some detours that you really didn't need to make along the way.

When Jesus is truly in your heart and the center of your joy, you won't need to fill those voids with anything else. The love that Jesus has for us will fill any void or emptiness you may be feeling in your heart. Each of us were born with a purpose that we are to fulfill. Everyone can't go where you are going and everyone isn't a good fit for your life. It's like trying to force a puzzle piece into a space where it doesn't fit. No matter how hard you try, it will NEVER fit or connect. They will end up becoming an distraction from what God has called you to do. That's why the bible says that we should be equally yoked.

2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?"

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you are equally yoked. You have to be on the same page. The person you choose to date needs to be saved and have a TRUE relationship with Jesus. I'm not talking about one of those Christians that claim they go to church but still believe in conforming to the world's standards. I mean someone who is truly walking, talking, and breathing God's word daily. How will you know the difference? By the fruit they produce (Matt 7:18-20).

Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV) says, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith (23) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

If the person you choose to become involved with is not equally yoked with you, the two of you won't be on the same page. You'll find yourself compromising your standards and values, rather than you influencing them. It is easier for them to pull you off of the chair than you pulling them onto the chair. I'm not saying that it's not possible that your partner can find salvation while you are in a relationship, because I've seen it happen. But it can sometimes be very difficult.

It is also very important that you are equally yoked in the religious sense. It's hard enough dating an unbeliever but what happens when you are dating someone who is of a different religion? Somewhere along the line either someone will have to end up converting or you will both just have separate religions. If there is one day a child involved, they will be split on what to believe. Say if you were planning a wedding, and you want to have it at a church but because of your partner's religion, they don't want to have it there. That cause a rift in your relationship. If that person doesn't respect you or your beliefs, then there will always be disagreements concerning religion. That can be a really sticky situation. So make sure that the person you choose to become involved have the same views you do concerning their faith.

I remember dating a guy that always used to question me about the bible and tell me that it was written wrong according to the history channel. He used to always either add or subtract something from the bible. He used to call my relationship with Christ, "your religion." I knew right then and there that we were unequally yoked and that eventually we would need to go our separate ways. As you all know, I have a ministry that teaches young girls and teens about living pure for God including abstaining from sex until marriage. Being well aware of my ministry, he didn't believe in that or even respected it. This period of dating was starting to become a distraction from what God has called me to do. The person that God has for you will truly love and honor Him, therefore, meaning that they will love and honor. 

As a single person, we have to use that time to truly understand who we are. We need to understand what our purpose is and gain a closer relationship with God. It is very important that your identity and standards are established before you start dating or enter into a relationship. If you don't, that person's standards will choose your identity for you. When you're truly walking in God's word and living your purpose, you just don't accept any and everything that comes your way. You start walking with discernment.

For example, just because I'm walking down the street and a dude yells "Aye shawty or Aye sexy" doesn't mean I'm going to giggle and walk their way. I have discernment that this person is not respectfully talking to me which displays the type of character they possess towards a woman. Now I'm not saying that I don't speak when I walk down the street but you have to understand that you have to come correct. I don't mind a "Hey, how are you today?"

We rush into these relationships, feeding our loneliness and then get upset when things go sour. Stop bending your standards just so you can have someone. Author and Pinky Promise CEO, Heather Lindsey, describes her standards as "deal breakers." These are standards that you will not break NO MATTER WHAT.
My top 5 are:
1.) He has to have a relationship with Jesus. I don't mean just going to church on Sunday, but daily living. (James 1:22-23)
2.) He has to respect my decision to wait until my wedding night until we engage in sex. If they are truly walking in God's word, then they will follow what God has said as well (I Corinth 7:1-2). I don't want the man that respects my decision but still chooses to watch pornography and masturbates. You're still giving into your flesh and we're not connecting on a spiritual or emotional level.  
3.) He has to care about other people. If he has no concern for others, this just shows me that God's love is not inside of him. Jesus says in John 13:34-35 says, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (35) By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples (followers), if ye have love one to another."
4.) I don't want a man that I can run over. Been there, done that when it came to dating. I was always able to get my way and get whatever I wanted out of them. I want my future husband to be a leader. Sometimes, it is ok if they tell you no. As a wife, you are suppose to submit to you husband (Ephesians 5:22-24). I can't submit to someone who is not leading me.
5.) He has to have respect. There is nothing more that I can't stand is a man that has a disrespectful character. I won't even date a guy that has the b-word (female dog) in his vocabulary. I feel as if you can "indirectly" call a woman one, then you will eventually disrespect me by calling me one.

It's time to start dating with purpose and not dating just to date. What we want to strive for is courtship. Courting is defined as two equally yoked people, who have excluded themselves from the secular dating philosophy, who are working towards marriage. When you are courting, you are together for a purpose. There's accountability and standards. You are both walking in the will of God and are on the same page. You bring out the good in each other. They are you help meet.

Gen 2:18 (KJV) says, "And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
Gen 2:21-23 (KJV) says, "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; (22) And the rib, which the Lord God hath taken from man, made he woman, and brought her unto the man. (23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Dating is more like continuous "try outs" or "auditions" You don't have to try everyone out. Everyone who is interested isn't eligible. You want to court so you can build and develop with that person spiritually, mentally, emotionally. So ask yourself, Am I settling for less than I deserve? Am I just dating this person just to fill my loneliness or to say I have somebody? Do you just want to change your relationship status on Facebook? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you might have some reevaluating to do. When you understand how much you are worth, you stop giving people discounts. You won't keep settling. You are content with life and you trust God's timing for the one He has for you. God can't bring your one day spouse if that seat is always taken. Wait for God's best and stop wasting your time with people who you see no future with.

Acknowledge. Fix. Keep it Moving..

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Discontentment: When Jesus Is Not Your Focus

         Lately, I found myself struggling with not being content in some areas in my life. I was becoming discouraged about my current situation and not really trusting God's timing for my future. I found myself on Facebook playing the "comparison game" with my life.  I started going down my newsfeed looking at all of the engagements and wedding announcements, new jobs, graduate and professional school journeys, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I was extremely happy for everyone but I started to feel a little inadequate because I haven't had a major change in my life. I was like well...Lord I've been single for 7 years and I honestly don't see that changing in the next year or so....uh marriage? Lord, people are taunting me about living by myself with 42 cats or living with my parents forever.  I was tired of dealing with my job and feeling like I didn't make enough money. My dream to go to school was deferred. I just really started to get down on myself and become really negative. Then on top of it, I found myself reading various blogs about "Where I Should Be by the Time I'm 30" and "What I Should Have By the Time I'm 30." (Mind you, I'm 27). I quickly started to focus on what I was lacking instead of what God has already blessed me with. I was like well...maybe I need to have it together before 30. I was filling my mind and heart with what OTHER people was saying I should have and what I should be doing by "their timing" instead of what GOD has already laid out in HIS TIMING.

Proverbs 4:23 (KJV) says, "Keep (Guard) your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

         You have to be careful what seeds you plant into your heart. If you're constantly on social media watching other people's lives and not trusting what God has for your life or reading blogs and listening to other people's input about your life, then you are planting seeds of discontentment into your heart which will sprout up negativity, sorrow, and jealousy. Your focus should be on Jesus and Jesus alone. I noticed that my focus had shifted to what other people were saying instead of the promises Jesus made to those who love Him and this happens with many of us. But do we really trust Him? Do we really trust when God said in Genesis 2:18 "It is not good that the man should be alone" or in Exodus 14:14, "He shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace" or in Philippians 4:19 that "He shall supply all your needs according to the riches in glory" or in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness?"
We have to lean on these promises and understand that God is in control of everything...EVERYTHING. Not us. We may have plans for our life but God's purpose is what is going to prevail in the end. Nobody and I mean NOBODY can tell you about where and what you need to be doing in your life. He knows exactly what He is doing. The blueprint for your life has already been laid out.

Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV) says, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee.."

God already knew what purpose and plans He had already laid out for you. He created you! So how dare we listen to someone's input or "list" about our lives? Jesus has to be the center point of our lives. When you put your trust in Him, everything else will fall exactly how it was predestined to fall into place.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

Our lives are divided into different seasons that we have to go through. Some seasons will be longer than others. Some seasons will be harder than others and some will be better than others. Through each season, we need to trust God and trust the process. We need to understand that everything is working together for our good. (Romans 8:28) God is using these seasons to prepare and condition you for what's next to come. God is not going to send you something or somewhere if He feels like you're ill prepared for. He will never send you something too soon. He will be right on time. That's why God has made everything beautiful in His timing (Eccl 3:11).  

So what do you need to do? Here are 5 Things You Need To Do To Get Your Focus Back on Jesus

(1) Be thankful! Instead of focusing on what everyone else has and what you do not have, focus on what God has already blessed you with. When Jesus is the center point of your life, you won't have time to compare because you are focused on Him and the purpose He has for you. You are exactly where you are suppose to be at this moment. I'm not saying you are going to be here forever but for this season, this is where you are suppose to be. God has you here for a reason. I've had people tell me that I should have it together by now. Wait...what? My life is not together on their standards. Let's see...I have my bachelor's degree, I have job, I have my own car meaning I pay my car note, pay the bills I do have, and file my taxes. I had someone in my past tell me that working at Wal-Mart was
not good enough. I had someone ask me why was I still living with my parents? Did these things stick with me? Yes. But I REFUSED to let them make me become ungrateful for where God has brought me. People say things without knowing your situation. I trust God. I trust that one day He will bless me financially enough to be able to fund me living on my own but until then, I'm content with where I am. I fought and prayed hard for where I am now. I came a loooooooong way and I had to go through a lot! I fought, prayed, and trusted to get my biology degree 4 years ago. I prayed and studied to become a CERTIFIED pharmacy technician. I prayed and searched for a job in a pharmacy until God opened the door. I've been a registered pharmacy technician since 2011 and I've been actively working in the field since 2012. I am aware of 200 different brand and generic medications (I can name at least 50-60 off of the top of my head and indications) and at least 50 over the counter medications. Plus, I created this blog where I'm spreading the gospel as well as encouraging others and a ministry that promotes purity for girls and teens. Shoot....that's good enough for me!

(2) Prayer works! You have to stay in constant prayer. Never stop. If we handled most of our situations with prayer instead of complaining, do you know what change you would start to see? Spend quiet time with the Lord each day and listen to what it is that He wants you to do.

(3) Transform your mind. The devil has a way to get in your head and have a field day. You have to change the way you think. Ask the Lord to remove anything that is not like Him. Remove the traits of discontentment, envy, impatience, sorrow, anger, etc. Ask him to loose patience, joy, contentment, and strengthen your faith. Trust God and acknowledge Him in everything that you do. What God does for one, He will do it for you too. Put your focus back on Jesus.

(4) Guard Your Heart (Prov 4:23) STOP listening to everything and everyone else about your life. Nobody can tell you what to do or where you need to be...not these blogs, not these talk shows, not your family, not your friends, not your co-workers, not your church members...nobody but God. Your life is already laid out. So be very careful what you let enter into your mind and heart because it can consume you in a very negative way. Plant the word in your heart and meditate on that. You will start to see your faith grow stronger.

(5) Trust God. Point. Period. Blank. I know it sounds easier than it is but this is a must. You have to know that God is leading your life and you have to LET HIM LEAD. You can't keep trying to grab the wheel from Him. He doesn't need your help or suggestions. You have to die to yourself everyday and humble yourself. Let God do what it is that He does.

Last night I told Jesus that I didn't care if He gave me a husband or not, or if He wanted me to stay where I was professionally, I told him that I trust Him and I only desired to serve Him. I only wanted to focus on Him. I knew that with Jesus at the center point of my life meant that I wanted whatever purpose He had for me and not what I had in mind. I would rather be characterized for being a servant of Jesus than by who I was married to, where I worked, where I lived, or how much money made. We should all at the end of this life want to hear the words "Well Done." As long as you are striving for that, then your life was together the whole time. So get your mindset back on track. Keep Jesus as the center of your focus and everything will fall into place exactly when it is suppose to. God's timing is beautiful. It's perfect and it's right on time.

(1) top left: high school, college, and pharmacy tech graduations
(2) top right: certified pharmacy technician for 2 1/2 years so far
(3) bottom left: I started a ministry in 2012 called "Princess Tea", a program that promotes purity for girls and teens and living a life holy for God
(4) bottom right: I put a slaying to a face! Freelance makeup artist 
God has graced me in several areas and I have every reason to be content and thankful because I wasn't always HERE. 

Acknowledge. Fix. Keep it Moving...

Reference Scriptures
Proverbs 3:4-5 (He will direct your paths)
I Corinth 2:9 (The things God has prepared for those who love him)
Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the thought I think towards you)
I Peter 5:6-7 (Humble yourselves)
Habakkuk 3:17-19 (Rejoice
Luke 17:6 (Faith like a mustard seed)
Matthew 6:33-34 (Seek first the Kingdom of God)
Matthew 7:7-8 (Ask and You Shall Receive)
Philippians 4:11-13 (Contentment)