Sunday, August 31, 2014

Look On The Bright Side

Sometimes things in life go wrong. We can't control it. But we can control how we handle it. It's all about your perspective.

Perspective is defined as a particular attitude towards or way regarding something; a point of view. Your perspective on a situation has the power to effect the outcome of how you decide to handle it. Will you let it ruin your day or will you "look at the bright side" ?

      I can definitely say my day started off crazy. I was getting ready to go to work. Earlier I had put my work clothes in some water that was sitting in the washing machine. I continue getting dressed and 10 minutes before it's time for me to go, I take my clothes out of the dryer and you will never guess what happened! ALL OF MY WORK CLOTHES WERE BLEACHED AND HAD TURNED A WHOLE DIFFERENT COLOR! I'm talking about ruined. Turns out the water that was sitting in the washing machine had bleach in it. I immediately begin to panic because I didn't have anything to wear to work and I had less than 5 minutes before I had to leave. Thank God I had another pharmacy smock and a blue shirt that wasn't in the washing machine.
       While I was in the car, I spent the ride to work thinking about my perspective on the situation. I said I can either have a pity party and let this situation ruin my day or I can look at the BRIGHT SIDE. Things could have definitely been worse. I had the intentions of putting all of my colored clothes in that water BUT GOD! Instead of me whining over a couple of work shirts that were ruined, what if I had to try to replace the majority of my colored clothes?  A lot of my favorite pieces was in that pile. As I prayed on the way to work, I was very thankful that I had a uniform to wear to work and that none of my other clothes were ruined. Suddenly, my attitude had lifted and my perspective was changed.
        When difficult situations arise, it is a must that you stay POSITIVE. You cannot produce positivity with a negative mindset. A negative mindset will cause you to have a very mean and bitter spirit. When you take that spirit around others, it causes them to not want to be around you. What if I would have taken a negative attitude to work? My pharmacist and co-workers would not want to be around me. I probably would not have been very nice to the customers due to me not wanting to be bothered. That would have definitely dropped our customer service score. Due to that, I would probably have to be written up or coached about my attitude. I probably wouldn't be as focused and would have made a mistake on someone's prescription. You see how this became a chain reaction due to my negative perspective on a situation?
         That's why it's very important to keep a positive mindset at all times. We should spend more time with God. When you spend time with God, life is put into perspective. God gives you the strength to deal with certain situations. He will not put more on you than you can bear. When you feel like you're going to lose your mind or you want to give into that negativity:

Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV) says, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

God will give you peace beyond all understanding! You'll be like "Where is this calm coming from in the mist of my situation or storm?" Send your prayers unto the Lord. Tell him to help you see situations like He sees situations. Ask him to change your perspective about the situations in your life. Ask God to keep your mind and to give you peace.

                                      10 Benefits Of Looking on The Bright Side

1.) Worry less
2.) Balanced stress level
3.) Increased faith in God
4.) You will ooze positivity
5.) Growth and maturity
6.) You come off more loving because of a positive attitude
7.) You smile more
8.) More productive
9.) You show more gratitude
10.) You will live a more happier and peaceful life.


2 Corinthians 12:9 (KJV) "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
Acknowledge. Fix. Keep it Moving...

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